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Published: December 17, 2021
Peanut butter isn’t the only creamy nut butter spread on grocery store shelves anymore. With options ranging from sunflower seed to hazelnut to cashew, the options are seemingly endless. While the number of nut butter choices available in today’s supermarket can be exciting, finding the healthiest nut butter can quickly become overwhelming.
Nut butter, in general, is a great source of healthy fats, proteins, and nutrients. What’s more, different types of nuts can provide many different delicious flavors and textures.
While nut butter is generally highly nutritious, some can contain hefty amounts of added sugars, sodium, and saturated fat.
Next time you’re looking to add more variety to the typical peanut butter and jelly sandwich, here are the top 11 healthiest nut butter options and how to find nut butter that is suited to your personal needs, preferences, and values.
There are some key components to pay attention to when shopping for a healthy nut butter:
Here are a few of the most popular nut butter varieties and some key facts about their nutritional content to help you decide which type is best for you (9):
This highly nutritious creamy nut butter is made from raw almonds. It’s a good source of fiber and protein providing 7g protein and 4g fiber -16% of DV- per serving.
This chocolate peanut butter spread is made with peanuts, egg whites, dates, coconut oil, and chocolate. It provides 9g of protein and 2g of fiber – 7% of DV – per two-tablespoon serving.
Jif Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter is low in sodium and a good source of protein. It offers 7g of protein and 3g of fiber – 9% of DV – per serving. Plus, this peanut butter is packed with vitamin B3 and vitamin E.
Sunbutter Sunflower Butter is made with organic sunflower seeds and an excellent source of vitamins and minerals like magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, and vitamin E. It offers 8g of protein, 3g of fiber – 11% of DV -, and 10% of the daily value of iron per two tablespoon of serving.
This peanut butter is made with dry roasted peanuts, flaxseed which is a good source of omega 3, and a touch of salt. One serving of this smooth peanut butter provides 8g of protein and 3g of fiber which equals 11% of the daily value. Plus, this nut butter is a good source of vitamin E and vitamin B3.
Mighty Sesame Co Tahini is free from added sugars or salt and has only one ingredient: organic sesame seeds. This gluten-free nut butter is a good source of protein and contains 8g of protein per serving.
This organic nut butter is made with dark roasted almonds and a touch of salt. It’s a good source of protein and fiber offering 7g of protein and 3gg of fiber – 12% of DV – per serving.
Nuttzo Organic Power Fuel combines a variety of nutritious nuts and seeds together such as cashews, almonds, brazil nuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, hazelnuts, and pumpkin seeds. This organic and sugar-free butter blend provides 6g of protein, 3g of fiber – 11% of DV -, and 10% of the daily value of iron per serving.
This raw cashew and pecan blend is certified organic and doesn’t contain added sugar or salt. This nut butter provides 4g of protein, 2g of fiber – 8% of DV -, 2g of saturated fat – 10% of DV – per serving.
Nutty Infusions Roasted Cashew Butter is free from added sugars or salt. It’s a good source of protein containing 5 g of protein – 10% of DV – per serving.
Fbomb Nut Butter is made with dry roasted macadamia nuts and a dash of salt. It’s free from added sugars or sweeteners and a good source of fiber. It offers 2g of protein and 3g of fiber which is equals to 12% of the daily value per serving.
There are many options and factors to consider in your search for nut butter. Spanning from hazelnut to cashew, the types of nut butter and their flavors available on the market can be exciting but confusing.
Despite the initial confusion, understanding the plethora of healthy nut butter varieties on the market is as easy as knowing how to look.
When looking for the healthiest nut butter options on the market, be on the lookout for nut butter high in healthy fats like monosaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Nut butter’s can also contain added oils high in saturated fat, so pay attention to the different varieites of nut butter as well as their oil content.
Different types of nut butter also offer different amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals. If you’re seeking out an option that is high in protein, seek out nut butter with around 20% protein content and shop around to see which nut butter contains the vitamins and minerals you need the most to support your health and lifestyle.
Lastly, be on the lookout for nut butter brands that pack hefty amounts of added sugars. Check the nutrition label to be conscious of a nut butter’s sugar content, and overall, consume in moderation.
We hope you enjoy our selection of the 11 healthiest nut butter options and our tips on how to find them, and hopefully, your next nut butter will be both healthy and delicious.
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